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Among the many kinds of defense and hunting mechanisms of the animal kingdom, one of the most famous and feared is the use of venom. It is used to dissuade predators and to debilitate preys by animals of all sizes and groups. If you want to learn more about the most toxic animals in the world, keep reading.

Photo by: Leszek Leszczynski
10.- Pufferfish:
Pufferfishes are widely known for their ability to inflate when they feel threatened and the fact that they have sharp spines covering their body. But if that is not enough, they have another defense mechanism. In their internal organs, they have a very strong neurotoxin called tetrodotoxin, which name comes from the name of the order formed by these fishes. When it enters the body of any animal, it blocks sodium channels of the neurons. This inhibits the generation of action potentials, which are responsible for the transmission of nervous impulses. This inevitably leads to the failure of vital functions, causing death.

Photo by: Pavel Kirillov
9.- Poison dart frogs:
The small size of these frogs has forced them to find an alternative and effective way to defend themselves from bigger predators. Evolution has given them the ability to secrete alkaloid toxins through their skin and made their touch deadly. These frogs do not produce the toxins naturally, instead, they ingest them from their diet rich in beetles. The alkaloid toxins inhibit nervous impulses and cause the failure of vital functions. The name dart frogs comes from the facts that indigenous tribes used them to envenom their darts by rubbing them against the skin of these frogs.

Photo by: XLerate
8.- Inland taipan:
This snake is famous for possessing the most toxic venom of all snakes, including all sea snakes. Its venom is a mixture of neurotoxins, that affect the nervous system, hemotoxins, that cause blood clots, myotoxins, that attack the muscles and nefrotoxins, that harm the kidneys. When bitten by it, the victim experiences paralysis, heart failure, kidney failure and coagulopathy, which together cause internal and cerebral hemorrhages. Fortunately, they are shy and do not bite often and, when they do, they do not inject big volumes of venom. This is why the king cobra is higher in the lethal rank despite having a less powerful venom.

Photo by: Pavel Kirillov
7.- Brazilian wandering spider:
This spider is very dangerous for several different reasons. It is the most venomous spider in the world and its venom contains a strong neurotoxin called PhTx3. This toxin blocks the calcium channels of neurons, inhibiting synapsis between neurons. This does not allow nervous impulses to travel from neuron to neuron, which causes lack of control over muscle contraction. The loss of control over respiratory muscles causes asphyxia. Apart from all this, it has a strong excitatory effect, which causes painful and long-lasting erections, reason why it is being investigated for treatment against erectile disfunction. Another dangerous fact about this spider is that, unlike the inland taipan snake, it is extremely aggressive, and it bites frequently.

Photo by: Daniel Dietrich
6.- Stonefish:
Stonefishes are extremely well camouflaged creatures which do not like problems. They are shy and not aggressive but due to their excellent camouflage, it is easy to step over one, which is where the problems start.  Their venom is in their dorsal spines, which they raise when they are threatened. Their sting is treated with warm water and, in extreme cases, antivenom. If left untreated it is lethal within hours. 

Photo by: Alastair Rae
5.- Deathstalker scorpion:
These little yellow scorpions have a strong venom which contains a mixture of neurotoxins and has a low lethal dose. Its sting is also extremely painful and causes pancreatitis and pulmonary edema, leading to asphyxia. Its venom is being investigated as a possible treatment against brain tumors and certain cases of diabetes.

Photo by: Rickard Zerpe

4.- Blue-ringed octopus:
This small octopus with aposematic (flashy and warning) coloration is one of the most venomous creatures in the world. Its venom is 1,000 times stronger than cyanide and it carries enough of it to kill 26 adult humans. It consists of tetrodotoxin, as in pufferfishes, only more concentrated. It causes blindness, muscle numbness, loss of senses and paralysis. This causes asphyxia due to respiratory failure and there is not an antivenom. It can only be treated by artificial respiration until the victim recuperates. The sting from this octopus is very dangerous, as it is painless, and most people do not realize they have been envenomed until it is too late.

Photo by: Rickard Zerpe
3.- Cone snail:
These snails have a very special weapon in their arsenal. On their radula, which is a structure to scrape food from surfaces, they have a harpoon. It is hollow and it is used to inject their venom to the victims. This venom paralyzes preys, which are then eaten. It consists on many neurotoxins known as conotoxins, finally causing respiratory failure. Most stings on humans happen when people who find their beautiful shells beautiful pick them up.

Photo by: tontantravel
2.- King cobra:
Despite having a less toxic venom than inland taipans, king cobras inject a larger volume of venom and are more aggressive than them. They are the longest venomous snakes in the world, reaching lengths of around 13.1 ft (4 m). Its venom contains neurotoxins and cytotoxins, that attack the nervous system and the cellular tissues, respectively. This results in paralysis and failure of vital functions, ending with the death of the victim.

Photo by: gautsch.
1.- Sea wasp:
The most venomous animal in the world is not aggressive, big, or well camouflaged, in fact, it does not even have a brain or skin. It is known as sea wasp and it is a box jellyfish. Its sting is extremely painful, and victims have described it as the sensation of being burned. It generates pores in the cells, through which there is a leak of potassium to the blood stream. This causes cardiovascular collapse within a few minutes. After that, drownin is inevitable. 

As you can see, animals have found many different mixtures of toxins with several effects over organisms. This proves, once again, that the biggest and strongest animal is not always the fittest and that a drop of strong enough venom is all some animals need to defend themselves.


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